Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 18: Black velvet attack

Today we took portraits with studio lighting in photojourn class.   Here we see John Beale attacking Mandy Hofmockel with a black velvet back drop.  The aftermath:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 13: Howl at the Moon

There was a cool looking moon tonight, I shot this while waiting on another assignment.  This is actually ISO 500 at F 2.8 and SS of 1/60 at a length of 200 mm. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 9: Blacklights

This weekend my friends asked me to bring my camera along to their concert.  Then they proceeded to turn off all of the lights except one black light in the corner.  I tried to get any light I could but they were moving too fast and it was too dark.  This is all I got with 3200 ISO at f4 and 1/40 of a second.  Not an ideal setting.  Oh well!

Day 8: Call the Cops

This is a pretty compressed version, but I had a lot of fun shooting the actors of Reno 911! on Friday night at the HUB.  Here's a couple of students on stage acting out a scene with them.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 6 1/2: Out like a lion

This is a little extra from my photo story shoot today.  It's always nice to have a subject that will let you follow them just about anywhere.  Sometimes a simple daily routine can create a pretty interesting photo.  Plus, it's always a fun time shooting in the white building.  (sarcasm)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 6: This duck thinks it's an ostrich

I didn't feel so hot today so I wasn't outside much, but I did see this duck on the street in front of my building doing an impersonation of an ostrich.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

(28) Day Photo Challenge

Today I had to go to Mt. Nittany Middle School to photograph the annual "Pow Wow" held in the gym for The Daily Collegian, so I decided to snap a few extra while I was there.  This one is my favorite of the bunch.  It's of a little boy who was doing an inter-tribal dance with his elders.  He saw me shooting and shot me this look.  I like the contrast between the traditional dress around him and his sneakers, but if I could go back and change something, I would have backed up a bit and used a telephoto to compress the other dancers around him.  The Pow Wow was a really cool event with interesting people, I will definitely be heading back next year.